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Community Resources

Have Question? Want to get involved in the community? You can get in touch by phone or email, or attend a council meeting. 


Herndon Borough Municipal Building

278 N Main St, Herndon, PA 17830


Call Borough Office 570- 758-3264


Herndon Borough Council Meetings are the first Monday of the month unless stated otherwise 7:00pm 


For building permits fill out the permit form and submit it to or bring it to the borough office. Permit fee is $10 plus $1 for every $1,000 spent on the project. Permit form will be reviewed in a timely manner. 


For Burn permits contact Mike Cotner 570-847-1732



Water Authority Meeting


Herndon Borough Township Joint Municipal Authority




Borough Office Building


January 3

February 21

March 20

April 17

May 15

June 19

July 17

August 21

September 18

October 16

November 20

December 18


Meetings are open to the public 7:00 pm

570-758-2354 limited hours

For a prompt reply email

Regular Scheduled Meetings


Herndon Borough Council 




January 8

February 5

March 4

April 1

May 6

June 3

July 1

August 5

September 9

October 7

November 11

December 2




Regularly Scheduled meetings are on the first Monday of each month. All regular meetings will be held at 7:00pm The public is invited and welcome to attend all regular meetings and can present a statement during these meetings.

Herndon Borough is part of Northumberland County


PA State Representative Joanne Stehr


PA Senator Lynda Schlegel Culver


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